Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Joys of Java (by Nate)

Here you'll see a picture of a new addition to the kitchen in our new house. Yes, we now have our own coffee cart. Take notice of the bags of coffee and the coffee grinder. I thought that only brewing freshly ground coffee was the height of coffee snobbery, yet we have topped our previous snobbery with this cart. It even has a towel rack on the side and features locking casters. So if you happen to attend a lunch or dinner function at our new home, there's a good chance the cart will get wheeled out and will be put to good use.


Jason R. Clark said...

I am so jealous. I may have my own small-scale brewery operation, but no coffee cart.

I bow to your coffee-ness!

Amber said...

MMWUUHAHAHAHA!!!! We have converted you at last!! Next...the world.

You came to the NW drinking Folgers drip and you now have your own coffee cart. Our work here is done...well until sushi (but I don't even like sushi, so we'll see how that goes...).

Love you guys!

Ross said...

Can I still be your friend if I'm the guy who makes a pot of coffee and drinks it over three days' time? Honest, if you come visit sometime I'll make a fresh pot every day (although it will be Folgers, I'm afraid)!