Sunday, January 4, 2009


I (Amy) recently realized that I eat like a hobbit. That is, I eat about seven meals a day. An hour or two after breakfast, I need a second breakfast, and I also typically have elevenses between second breakfast and lunch. When I head out for a long day of work, I carry a lunch bag plus an extra plastic bag of food to get me through the day.

These strange eating habits are due to what Nate and I affectionately refer to as "the little hobbit." Yes, in case you haven't heard, I'm pregnant. Fortunately, I have not had much nausea and have been able to enjoy food a great deal. As of today, I am at 12 weeks, 6 days, with a due date of July 13. Nate and I are very excited! We heard the heartbeat on Dec. 19, and we are looking forward to more milestones in future weeks.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Amy & Nate,
I just read the leter you sent to Calvary and I am so excited for you - congratulations! I hope and pray that your "little hobbit" is happy & healthy and that he continues to grow strong. I also pray that he will not make you too tired or sick! Stay in touch. We love you!