Monday, July 30, 2012

Minnesota Vacation Pics 2012

Boxing Day

Matthias's new camera

The "Dinosaur Train" birthday cake (made by Amy)

Riding Dad's old tricycle with Grandpa Buster (#1)

Riding Dad's tricycle with Grandpa Buster (#2)

Grandmpa Buster fixing the pedal

Cruisin' with Grandpa Buster at the Children's Museum in Mankato

Getting a good push from Grandma Carrie at South Park

Helping Grandma Carrie with birdseed

John Deere (#1)

John Deere (#2)

John Deere (#3)

John Deere (#4)

In Grandma Barb's convertible with Auntle Julie and Uncle Jeff

In the Barn (#1)

In the Barn (#2)

In the Barn (#3)

Dog & Boy

Farming with Grandpa Paul

The 3rd Birthday Party

Fishing (#1)

Fishing (#2)

Fishing (#3)

Fishing (#4)

Fishing (#5)

Fishing (#6)  (One of 17 fish Matthias caught that evening)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing. Mary